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Strap In...

I'm here to share some travel stories, whether I leather tramp, rubber tramp or I'm just tripping the fantastic through worlds beyond that are only a dream to so many, I am innately drawn to the roads less traveled. You will not find me at the Holiday Inn or the Econo-Lodge, I don't float into place after place and expose myself only to the parts of town I am meant to see so I can buy stuff I don't need and take pictures to prove my worth. You can have your strip malls, parking lots and hotel strips with your shuttles to tourist attractions.

If I could settle for that I would just stay in one town and simply visit those places from time to time pretending to be in a different location for each visit. After all, those things are mostly the same anywhere you go, and I do mean anywhere. I am yawning right now.

I'm in towns, cities, urban areas, roadsides and rodeo's, I've even been known to linger in peoples heads as well. Yet, I won't be the one at the car rental place asking for directions to the closest strip mall, fast food joint or Walmart. I find the places instead that are resonant with my gypsy soul, with the mystic onlooker, places most fear to tread or have no way of getting to. I have traveled far and wide in this world and in others and for the most part I end up in places of both dreams and nightmares. I end up in the dark back alleys and on the peaceful mountain peaks. These are the tales between nearly normal and profoundly paranormal that warrant sharing.

I hope you enjoy them!

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