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Let Me Fill You In...

​Mojo Mountain Medicine was born of downtime, when I would quit leather-tramping & camping and settle for a spell. I would establish a client base, usually word of mouth but also those flyers you post around town with the fringe bottom, each fringe with your phone number on it. It usually started with housecleaning, then they'd find out I'm a Root Doctor which would either make them uncomfortable or bring in more work, usually the latter, usually by word of mouth. I'd leave town when I started getting sideways glances at the grocery store and parents looked protectively after their children when I was around. People are so judgey. At any rate, I've been doing this for so long I remember using a pager number.


I would hike into the hills to gather herbs to make my own remedies that I'd use to help folks with mostly acute and sometimes chronic issues. They'd come from all over the area and ask me to help them with things as common as sniffles and other things not so common. Of course eventually the road called to me again and I moved on, but the name Mojo Mountain stuck with me and still does. Perhaps one day I'll tell of that mountain. In the meantime, let me tell you about Mojo Mountain Cleaners.


Cleaning is a job we take from time to time to keep ourselves fed and clothed. Finding folks who don't want to or don't have the time to clean their house because they have to work 60 hours a week to pay for it, is a simple matter. While much of the time it's just mundane cleaning there are times when circumstances call for us to take more complicated jobs. Let's just call them "uncategorized" for now.

These are stories of the strange and unusual. These are the somewhat Mystical stories of...

Mojo Mountain Cleaners

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